Platform Engineering

Receive innovation and efficiency in your IT infrastructure with platform engineering.

How we do it!

The initial step entails recognizing the organization’s specific needs, goals, and unique platform requirements. This involves gathering data on anticipated workloads, performance targets, security and compliance considerations, data storage and processing necessities, and harmonizing with current systems.

Our platform engineers craft and structure the foundational infrastructure, systems, and services that constitute the platform. This process includes determining the essential components, APIs, and interactions to facilitate application development and rollout. In their design, they prioritize aspects like scalability, performance, security, resilience, and other pertinent considerations.

Our team of platform engineers sets up and oversees the essential infrastructure for the platform’s support. This involves configuring servers, networks, databases, storage systems, and other vital resources for the platform’s functioning. We employ automation tools and adopt infrastructure-as-code methodologies to simplify the processes of provisioning, scaling, and management.

At this stage, we incorporate a range of services, tools, and technologies essential for the platform’s operation. We establish continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) workflows, set up monitoring and notification systems, embed identity and access management features, and lay the groundwork for logging and analytics mechanisms.

At Tecognize, security and compliance are paramount in every phase of the platform’s design and execution. We meticulously apply security protocols, access restrictions, encryption techniques, and vulnerability management, all while upholding the pertinent regulations and standards.

In the subsequent stage, we fine-tune the platform’s ability to scale and its performance to manage growing demands and offer superior user experiences. This process includes employing load balancing, horizontal expansion, caching approaches, database fine-tuning, and performance evaluations to guarantee the platform’s resilience against surges in traffic and intensive tasks.

List of Platform Engineering Technologies We’re Expert In: